
Oversight of Post-Doctoral positions

2022-2024: Hugues T. Understanding trophic pattern of 2 mesopredator in agricultural ecosystem through metabarcoding and Individual trophic behaviour. Oversight 60%, co-supervisor Zarzoso-Lacoste D.

2021-2023: Maurice A.-C. Perception by stakeholders to the ecosystem service of regulation by predation Oversight 80 %, co-supervisor Baudry E.

2016-2018: Zarzoso-Lacoste D. Mathematical modelling of trophic chain reactions occurring in an agroecosystem

Oversight of PhD students

2021-2024: Philippe M. Impact and ecosystem services of two meso-predators in a context of declining trophic levels Oversight 100 %

2019-2022: Lusardi L. Modeling and prediction of food web dynamics in response to anthropogenic disturbances

2015-2018: Castaneda I. Trophic competition between 2 predators (cats and foxes) in a suburban environment.

2014-2017: Palmas P. Feral cat predation, habitat use and impact at New Caledonia hotspot scale.

Oversight of graduate and undergraduate research projects

2022: Leca G.; Peron M. Grad project. Study of the microscopic part of the diet of two concomitant predators according to seasonal variations (2months) Oversight 100 %

2022: Manfrini E. Grad research project. Modeling the impact of cat predation on two key agrosystem communities: birds and rodents (6months). Oversight 50%, co-supervisors Guery L. & Courchamp F.

2022: Stutz J. Grad research project. How farmers and inhabitants differ in their perceptions of predators and associate ecological services (6months). Oversight 40%, co-supervisors Maurice A.C. & Roturier S.

2022: Drouin C.; Cam C. Undergrad project. Weed and Bird presence in crops. How can we measure their effects through drone pictures (6 weeks). Oversight 50%, co-supervisor Ressayre A.

2022: D’Amonville T.; Lebigot V. Grad management project. Study of the diet of two concomitant predators according to seasonal variations (2months) Oversight 100 %

2022: Oudart C. Undergrad management project. Ecological tools to study predation: biodiversity monitoring and diet identification (6 weeks). Oversight 100 %

2021: Azrine M. Grad management. Study of the diet of the fox, a generalist meso-predator present in the Saclay Plateau agroecosystem (2months). Oversight 100 %

2021: Delmotte M.; Moncorps L. Undergrad management project. Study of the diet of cats and foxes, two generalist mesopredators in the Plateau de Saclay agroecosystem (6weeks). Oversight 100 %

2021: Philippe M. Grad research project. Seabird population resilience following rodent eradication on a small remote uninhabited island (6 months). Oversight 100%

2020: Buisson P. Undergrad management project. Predator monitoring inside a periurban agroecosystem facing predation pressure decrease (3 months). Oversight 50%, co-supervisor Lusardi L.

2020: Ledamoisel J. Undergrad management project. Biodiversity monitoring and predator-prey interactions (2 months). Oversight 50%, co-supervisor Lusardi L.

2020: Garcia-Martinez R. Undergrad management project. Erasmus. Biodiversity monitoring on Agroecosystem and predator movement behavior (2 months). Oversight 50%, co-supervisor Lusardi L.

2019: Miscopein A. Grad management project in agroecology. To prepare Authorization Form to capture and monitor red foxes Vulpes vulpes and to monitor vertebrate dynamics that could damage crop production. (2 months). Oversight 100%.

2019: Lebon S. Grad management project in applied ecology. To monitor vertebrate dynamics that could damage crop production and management remediation (6months). Oversight 100%

2018: Leport N. Undergrad field assistant to monitor vertebrate dynamics that could damage crop production (2 months). Oversight 100%

2018: Varnier B. Grad management project in applied ecology. To monitor vertebrate dynamics that could damage crop production (6months). Oversight 80%, co-supervisor Castaneda I.

2017: Chtioui B. Grad research project in movement behavior. Study of cat movement inside urban, peri-urban and forest areas (2 months). Oversight 50%, co-supervisor Castaneda I.

2017: Moureaux C. Grad research project in diet individualization. Deciphering potential trophic individualization in cat predation on islands (6 months). Oversight 50%, co-supervisor Zarzoso-Lacoste D.

2017: Al-Gubory N. Grad research project in diet individualization. Deciphering potential trophic individualization in cat predation in peri-urban area (2 months). Oversight 50%, co-supervisor Zarzoso-Lacoste D.

2016: Akukakele B. Undergrad technical internship on biomolecular manipulations (3 months). Oversight 50%, co-supervisor Zarzoso-Lacoste D.

2016: Daniel C.; Simon-Martin E.; Cazenave C. Volunteers, field and lab internships to work on biodiversity conservation and trophic analyses (2 months each). Oversight 50%, co-supervisor I Castaneda I.

2016: Salvant V. Grad research project in biotic interaction. The role and impact of Vulpes vulpes in peri-urban environment (2 months). Oversight 50%, co-supervisor Castaneda I.

2015-2016: Barbe M. Undergrad management project on carnivore predation and impact in peri-urban environment (3 months). Oversight 50%, co-supervisor Castaneda I.

2015: Meyrignac C. Undergrad management project to work on biodiversity indexes and trophic ecology (3months). Oversight 50%, co-supervisor Castaneda I.

2015: Millot P. Volunteer field and lab internship to work on biodiversity conservation and trophic analyses (6 months). Oversight 50%, co-supervisor Castaneda I.

2015: Hoarau M. Volunteer field and lab internship to work on biodiversity conservation and trophic analyses (2 months). Oversight 50%, co-supervisor Castaneda I.

2015: Bourlhonne L. Volunteer field and lab internship to work on biodiversity conservation and trophic analyses (6 months). Oversight 50%, co-supervisor Castaneda I.

2013-2014: Castaneda I. Grad research project in Conservation Biology. Competitive ability of invasive ants: The effect of queens (6 months). Oversight 50%, co-supervisor Luque G.

2012-2013: Palmas P. Grad research project in Conservation Biology. Feral cat trophic behavior on La Palma Island and potential to use genetic analyses in deciphering individual behavior (6months). Oversight 100%

2012: Schmidt K. Undergrad management project in Conservation Biology. Ecological Impact of cat presence on La Palma Island and Social study to perform cat management project (5months). Oversight 100%

2011-2012: Nino M. Grad management project in Ecosystem Conservation. Ecological Impact of cat presence on La Palma Island and Social study to perform cat management project (6months). Oversight 100%

2012: Palmas P. Grad research project in Conservation Biology. Comparison of feral cat diet on 3 different islands in the same archipelago and the evolution of population dynamics of the endangered yelkoun shearwater threatened by cat predation. Oversight 100%

2010-2011: Castañeda I. Grad research project in Evolution and Conservation Biology. Ecological and Evolutionnary effect on cats in seed dispersion on islands (6months). Oversight 75% advisor Nogales M.

2008-2009: Lemoine J., Gautier D. Grad research project in Conservation Biology. Effects of cat control on rats and shearwaters on Port-Cros Island. Oversight 50% adivisor Dr. Eric Vidal.

2007-2008: Zarzoso-Lacoste D. Grad research project in Conservation Biology. Ecosytem recovery after a cat eradication programme. Oversight 30% adivisors Dr. Eric Vidal & Dr. K. Bourgeois.

2006-2007: Bardel M., Corbon J. Grad research project in Conservation Biology. Trophic ecology of an introduced predator and its impact on an endemic seabird in Hyeres Archipelago. Oversight 50% adivisor Dr. Eric Vidal.

2005-2006: Moundemba Bomba U.K., Obame J-H, Vergoz T. Grad research project in Conservation Biology. Trophic ecology of an introduced predator on Porquerolles Islands. Oversight 50% adivisor Dr. Eric Vidal.